The Federation

In 2011 MOTELX became member of the Méliès International Festivals Federation (MIFF), alongside with relevant festivals like Sitges Film Festival (Spain), BIFFF (Brussels), and Imagine (Amesterdam), among many others.

Facts and Figures

  • 30


  • 21


  • 800000


  • 1800


  • 30


In 2011 MOTELX became member of the Méliès International Festivals Federation (MIFF), alongside with relevant festivals like Sitges Film Festival (Spain), BIFFF (Brussels), and Imagine (Amsterdam), among many others.

With around two dozen festivals represented in the European continent, as well as supporting members in Asia and North America, and a global audience estimated at 800,000 spectators, the MIFF was born in 1983 - at the time named European Fantastic Film Festivals Federation, it adopted the current name in 2019 -, and became one of the most powerful tools in promoting originality and creativity in the European film industry.

Represented in 21 countries, the Federation has developed a tightly knit festival network that allows films to easily reach foreign audiences and provides them with unique visibility among the public, press, and professionals that no other film market can offer.

In 1995 the first prizes of the Federation were awarded, the Méliès d'argent and the Méliès d'or, inspired by Georges Méliès, the mythical French filmmaker who pioneered fantastic cinema and special effects. The prizes emerge as a way to stimulate and reward the creativity and quality of European genre films, promoting them worldwide as well.

The winners of the Méliès d'argent Awards - Best European Feature Film and Best European Short Film are automatically selected for the Méliès d'or competition, which is annually awarded by the Federation to the best European short and feature films.
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