
CubuSynth Modular Synth DIY Wokshop: Dual Vintage VCA

Build your own synth and take it home!

The CubuSynth Dual Vintage VCA is a nice sounding, zero bleed, analog Voltage controlled amplifier based on the LM13700 Dual OTA. It can work as two independent VCAs or as a stereo unit, and CV input 1 on channel 1 is normalised to the CV input 1 on channel 2 (the same signal can control both channels). By replacing the decoupling capacitors with a wire, it can also process CV signals. In this workshop you’ll learn how to build one!

Duration: 2 hours
Location: Beato Innovation District, Lisbon
Price: 114€ (all components included)
Age: +18
Number of participants per workshop: 20

Tickets on sale now at Blueticket.
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