The world didn't end in 2012 and so MOTELX returned for yet another year at Cinema São Jorge. The main guest was legendary Italian director Dario Argento and «A Bruxa de Arroios», by Manuel Pureza, won the MOTELX award. This year's sections were:
Events and activities for this year were more and merrier: Horror Games Night returned, as well as the (Not so) Scary Games Afternoon, for the younger audiences. Dario Argento hosted an unforgettable masterclass and animation school Odd School dedicated three afternoons to showcase all there is to learn at their digital entertainment academy. The collective Clones presented a masterclass and a workshop dedicated to low budget filmmaking and director João Leitão presented his failed TV-series «Capitão Falcão», which would later turn into a feature film.
Dario Argento Masterclass
Cinema São Jorge
(Not So) Scary Games Afternoon
Cinema São Jorge
Odd School Demonstration
Cinema São Jorge
Italian legend Dario Argento was this year's guest of honour.
Dario Argento
Photos 2012
Photos by MOTELX
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