In “Sister Midnight”, we follow the ordeals and adversities of Uma, a young newlywed woman who discovers the reality of married life under the hot, humid nights of a Mumbai slum. Trapped inside the hell of married life with her limp and spineless husband, Uma turns into a disturbing and ruthless figure, giving free reign to her own feral impulses and to a particularly crude form of misanthropy. A twisted love story set in the mega-city of Mumbai that combines several genres in one film – a fantastic punk comedy, a feminist revenge film, and a reconfigured vampire tale – revealing a new facet of Indian cinema far from the Bollywood formula, and on its way to a prominent place in made in Asia horror. Its world premiere was at the Directors’ Fortnight at the last Cannes Film Festival.
Director Karan Kandhari Script Karan Kandhari Producer Alan McAlex, Wendy Griffin, Sean Wheelan et al. Cast Radhika Apte, Ashok Pathak, Chhaya Kadam Language Hindi, English Subtitles Portuguese, English Sales Protagonist Distribution Alambique
Karan Kandhari
Director "Sister Midnight"
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