Premiered at the 2024 Sundance Film Festival in the United States, this is the first feature film by Norwegian director Thea Hvistendahl, and reunites actors Renate Reinsve and Anders Danielsen Lie, the stars of the international sensation “The Worst Person in the World.” On an unusually hot summer day in Oslo, an inexplicable electric field surrounds the city while a collective migraine grips its residents. Televisions, lamps, and electronic devices go haywire. Chaos is about to reach a fever pitch when, suddenly, it stops. But we soon realise that the strange occurrence isn’t over: the dead have awakened and are preparing to return home. “Handling the Undead” intertwines the fate of three families as they relearn how to live after losing a loved one, allowing grief, mortality, and acceptance to set the tone of the film.
Director Thea Hvistendahl Script John Ajvide Lindqvist, Thea Hvistendahl Producer Kristin Emblem, Guri Neby, Lizette Jonjic et al. Cast Renate Reinsve, Anders Danielsen Lie, Bahar Pars Language Norwegian Subtitles Portuguese, EnglishSales TrustNordisk
Thea Hvistendahl
Director "Handling the Undead"
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